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Showing posts from November, 2015


I am out here alone In this silent night Waiting for another dawn To continue hunting a song bird Not just any bird This particular song bird Whose tune my heart has learnt to dance to She sings in silence and in songs that make my heart quiver How can I look at her pass and not desire? I wish to capture her and make her my own Not broken Not caged Just make her my song bird My song bird which knows when to fly high and when to be home When to sit and smile And when to massage my heart with her tender songs


All beautiful dreams are seen when eyes are closed How I dream of you and me together But who tells me your heart dreams of me? All the same, Let me close my eyes and dream some more May be I will make you dream Or wake in that reality

365 and 1/4 days

If such a count down was put on my life I can just imagine the tremendous difference it would make I imagine how pious I would be How such warmth would radiate from my fears How I would search the world for the slightest hope I wonder if fame would still mean something for me Or money would still inspire my waking early and going to bed late I wonder how I would look into your eyes And what your love would mean to me I wonder what i would hold so close I wonder... Read about time


Sometimes you don’t need proof In such times all you need is to close your eyes and say a prayer In that darkness and the light of closed eyes You will find comfort You will see God come through


God gives you life But who knows how it will treat you Now that the pen of destiny writes mystery God my maker Show me the light of my purpose That the world would glow when my candle still burns ochiengarthuronyangosol


Beautiful berries are never blue So don’t you be sad my heaven Spread your pink lips and show your lovely teeth For sweet berries call more lovingly than sore ones Let me see your beauty through the light And imagine it in the night That when I call you in my lowest moment I would appreciate the beauty of loving such a sweet berry