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Showing posts from May, 2019


Sad love song has on my brain the same feeling smoking tobacco has The two relax me however anxious I am They slow down the crushing train The world comes to a calm state They make me accept perishing in the moment Till I realise that I was not perishing Then I rise from the water I was drowning in Shake it off Start again Even if I feel I have nowhere to start from Understanding is everything I know this is not ok I know I am not ok but it is ok I fight the silent battles Sad love songs make it better Lonely walk in the dark lifts the burden away I walk it away Start again even if I don’t know where to start from My family is everything When I am broken and tired They are my medicine They know what I go through They understand my situation I just tell my bea, ''I am in dark days'' I say it off And start again Even if I don’t know where to start from…