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Showing posts from March, 2021


He sits alone in a silent corner of a dark room Trying to make sense of everything Everything is senseless at that moment Life seems to be worth everything Yet everything is worthless in his eyes He wonders why God had to make life in the first place and hopes it is not blasphemy No one wants to step on the toe of God more so those who hope heaven will offer a better home He is ashamed to admit that deep down he longs to be home Home is not this dark room filled with self doubt, anxiety and sorrow Home is where in the least he feels nothing Everyday he tells people to keep hoping but he  has lost all hope The only hope he has is that he will one day hope again Not hope to be rich or famous But to be happy for just a moment He hopes to slip over on his happiest day That is his dream He calculates how best to make his wish come But such days are to pracious to waste on fatal thinking He looks up to God Hoping not to offend Him and he prays for hope He prays that someone would listen and