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Showing posts from July, 2019


He wonders how the journey will end It is long since he started the long walk to independence Independence is the one thing that seems so elusive Because it is natural to be dependent and interdependent ‘‘No man is an island’’ was wisely said But an island is all he desires to be Standing alone in the sea with the strength to stand the winds and tides of time In the quest for independence He realises that he has developed more interdependence He is needed more and more he needs Independence is such an evasive beauty One so hard to attain in this predatory world Finding middle ground is always an infinite aim Self-reliance seems a better goal Good judgement and unapologetically being alive Reaping the fruits of personal genius And suffering the wrath of life for folly Making mistakes and learning from them Respecting each one and varied choices Depending on personal judgement in the interdependence