Dear Reader I hope this heart felt mail finds you well The reason for writing this mail is to alert you that I want you to know me I desire that you click the like button whenever I post I don't care if you like me I just want you to like my posts It is trendy to be the best liked on the social media It makes sense in this fast moving world It makes cents that add up to a million That is why we trade family and friends for a minute on the phone I would rather be more social on the media than real life Talk about fake friends with my fake friends than about my real friends with real friends I would rather dress up for Instagram than a real date I would rather smile for a selfie than with the guy next door I would rather be fake on the internet than be real in life I would rather be depressed in real life but elated on my WhatsApp status Because I feel like I have lost meaning in life I would rather exepose the private details of my morphology for a like and a flirt on Facebook...
Life is brief and sweet, all human beings try to grasp its meaning and to live as best as they can. These articles use poetry to describe human experiences in their quests to live full filling lives. Just like in living, the goal of reading these pieces is to have fun. Read enjoy and subscribe, your comments are also very valuable.