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Showing posts from October, 2022


It is infallible but not viewed thesame Never explains itself for how it is perceived Never looses value for how people feel about it Never changes to fit into an opinion Even when it is misperceived Like the sun, moon and stars, it remains thesame So never apologize for how you see or feel about things Always understand that the same things are seen and felt about differently by everyone Diversity creates creative ways and new opportunities  Respect people's thoughts and feelings without disregarding your own Find a middle ground and forge ahead  People don't have to do the right thing or be right every time It is just right and enough that they learn every time The world is perfect with all the imperfections Leadership is allowing everyone to experience themselves and explore their thoughts and beliefs Try new things and fail learn and may be eventually succeed Truth is simple but appears to everyone differently Just as you are a truth too and as such you will be seen 


 Sometimes fears steals life Clothed in level headedness Acting like a life saver Squandering opportunities Showing you all the things that could go wrong Closing your eyes to all that could go right Yet what is to be will be What is not will not Life is life and it happens


 Mirrors speak honestly Looking at this face, It seems to look back as if from another dimension of this multiverse  Living today like a life in another world Is this how minds are lost This is the crazy that makes sense Like a hole in the universe sucking in out of control and  something is in control There is never a reason to be in love  Maybe that is why everything does not make sense yet they are in harmony Getting lost in the deep fearlessly Giving in to this heart consuming fire comfortable with the screams sense Subconscious wide awake, subduing the conscious Aiming at a target out of sight Nothing has ever felt better than this moment Like a stars enduring into the day light; if the glory fades, at least these two would have lived today in eternity And  Muse, if  these eyes would be closed, This day would be pitched at the center of eternity


Love is not in black and white Sometimes the greyer shades reflect the true colour of the heart Grief and pleasure sing and play in unison Monotone seems satisfactory but sometimes not Sometimes what makes perfect sense is utter senselessness  Maybe a poem you should write is a taboo The future is not promised to anyone But sometimes the little hope maybe the hopelessness is the deepest desire Saying I love you is never enough Curses and promises are ordinary vocabulary  Nothing is really enough or too little in the face of love Never has love been clear Like a prophecy, it is interpreted from day to day Each omen meaning a million things I plead with you love Just love not looking at the promise tomorrow holds Just love for love's sake The world may be promised but if the world is not available for giving Just love for love's sake