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She was just a passer by
You did not know her name shame
Neither did you know from where she came Nor where she was headed
It never bothered your gut when you took your gun and pointed it to her face

She was just a passer by
You did not know her struggles and her pain or the emptyness she was trying to sate
All the same you cocked the gun and without reomorse asked her to drop her purse

She was just a passer by
Did you even wondered who could be waiting at home or wherever she was going
Why he, she or it would be waiting and what it would mean if she never got home
What was it that was going on in your mind when you picked her bag and pulled the trigger anyway?

She was just a passer by
Nothing to you more than a passer by
It never crossed your mind that she could be a mother, a wife, a friend, or the doctor who could save you from your death bed on the day you are cught in the crossfire

She was just a passer by whom you blew like wind out of earth
A passer by who never lived to tell you her story
Sadly she became part of your story when you learnt she was your loves sister
The one who out of love you lost love for humanity
The one you shot to buy an engagement ring and food for your sweet heart's visiting sister

Was she still a passer by when her little son asked your love, ''When will mommy come home?'' In bearly audible words?
Was she a passer by when your love cried her heart out for her loved one?
Was she still jus a passer by When she told you that she had been shot on the street you are most feared around?
Was she still a passer by?


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