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I want to be strong
But for how long
Poetry is my close friend who I share with my secret pain
Because I don't have to be the persona
Even if my motivation is the pain bottled in my neck
Even if it hurts and makes people smile
I am not the persona even if every drop of ink paints my excruciation
Poetry hides me, makes me wake up without feeling ashamed of spilling my shit
So my white shirt is white and my shit is not mine
That is smart,the selfless persona takes the pain
I take the gain
But it still does not feel better
So I can smile from the outside and only God knows what I feel inside
I stand on the stage spewing my heart out
The crowd cheers at how heartfelt each word is
How true to human condition I write
It just can't be me
I also believe I am not the persona
As much my noose dangerously dangles close to my nose
I can't be the one
Till everyone say it can't be!
Alarmed at the it could be


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