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You are beautiful like a golden Dawn
Your smile makes my heart tingle
You laughter makes my nerves tickle
You are indeed the blessing of Jah though I am not a Rastafarian
I think that is the language you understand

I am happy that you are growing into your fullness
But I am scared that your breast are piercing your T-shirt like a terrifying thorn
You asked me to buy you a smart phone
I am afraid that you will post the pictures of your ass that have ballooned so beautiful
I wonder what will happen when "mafisi" see it 
Will they not prey on you and leave me a sorry mother?

I am told that your agemets are already having sex
My stomach twists when I imagine that you could have started laying bare your femaleness for boys to play with
I follow every eye that I see following you
I am not an intelegence officer but I have launched high level investigation of your conduct in our village

I want you to grow without me holding you back
All the same I am not so sure of how far is too far
You know I love you as I should and must
But we seem not to understand each other in my exercing my parenting duties
I am told to sit down and speak your language with you
I guess they don't mean I should start speaking sheng

You growing up is the most beautiful thing
How I can make yours perfect is my only problem
You will never understand when I tell you not to start drinking too soon and to keep your "precious" private
I hope you understand what I mean because I don't want to be gross
I may seem old-school when I tell you to choose music wisely and watch with moderation

I don't know either if I am right or wrong but I am doing my best
My love cannot rival God but I think it is close to that deep
You are the one person I have this desire to be the most perfect
I ask you to believe me and we will enjoy this beauty that flowers in our hearts


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