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Photo couttacy of Gabriele Stravinskaite

If you want to change many lives 
Yours has to be the first
Life is a serious endeavor
Even so no one should take themselves too seriously
Deep inside everyone is looking for love
To love and be loved is the sole purpose of life
Love should not be for fun
But that does not mean it should not be fun

Is heaven a place or a state of the human spirit?
Is it being in harmony in thought, princple, belief and action?

Money can never make you happy but lack of it will surely make you sad
Money cannot buy love but it can sure make love worth while
Mamon without love is sure to be more burdensome than lack of it
For in poverty you will endeavour to make money
But with wealth you will need whom to share it with
A balanced life is worth every sacrifice

Life cannot be defined more than saying it is a state of being alive
Being alive is a satire and meaningless unless you give it a meaning
Time has a large mouth it will tell on you and everyone
It is easy to believe in the existence of the sky when you are far away and give up faith in its existence when you are about to touch it

Weakness is the greatest asset of humanity, it is the only thing that makes us strong together
Weakness humbles us and pulls us together
Strength builds our ego and pushes us apart
Weakness makes us brothers and teams
Strength makes us to want to be rulers
Abalance of the two makes a perfect world
The world cannot be any better than it is
It is also has the potential of being a good as we will to make it

Every truth is known upon the earth and nothing is new that was never done or tried
Learning from the past is the only way to build a new furniture
If you can imagine it and build on old facts
You can build a brand new world
When you mix the known, you can build the unknown
Imagination is the knowledge we desire to have
For all we know has brought us to where we are
Knowledge is finite while imagination is infinite
It is the glaring gate we call evolution

When dogs and cats play 
It doesn't mean the cats have become dogs
Or the dogs have have become cats
Neither does it mean they have become mates
If fire boils water to evaporation
It does not mean water has become less water
There is the power of knowing your strength, your weakness and place
Knowing your self and your neighbor will keep you safe

The praying mantis is not slow
Neither is the cheater too fast
The two have learnt to wait
And to strike when the moment is right
If you know how to study time and opportunity
You need not speed 
For precicision in decision making is golden

Life is nothing more than the desire of our hearts
It whole meaning is in your judgement to decide
No matter how many people are on Earth
It is your life 
You have the right to make it the happiest you can


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