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I pick each day like a purse full of gold coins

I sometimes forget how lucky I am to wake up alive

But sure it is more blessing than can be imagined

To just open eyes to daylight

A brand new chance to do better than yesterday

I may never change the past and the things that hurt me

But I can change the things to come by my choices

I can still choose who  I will be when I close my eyes and can't open them

When the future is no longer important for me but the past

You wonder why I work so hard looking at my last act

Why every minute seems to paint a heart that would look excellent posthumous 

I hope to live every minute as real as I can

I true congruence with what my heart believes

It is the hardest thing to do but nothing feels better

Life is a chance to be happy and to please my soul more than anything

But it only matters if all I do does not make my soul satisfied

Worshipping God would be a dishonest act if it does not make me truly happy

Tearing from my truth would be an act of disloyalty to my existence

Living is a perpetual chase of excellence

An investment in a possibility of social, physical, emotional and spiritual comfort

My truth is living for the best person I could ever be when the curtain closes


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