I like the word
yes especially when it is followed by an exclamation mark
It makes me feel like I am about to express an infallible truth
So I will begin this with it
It makes me feel like I am about to express an infallible truth
So I will begin this with it
I have written love poems
That have fermented waters to be sweeter wine than the one in Canna of Galilee
I have concocted tales which have poisoned the minds of lovers and left them looking at the moonless night like senseless cabbages
I have written about the touch of a woman and the entry of a man
I have written about the modern Eden and how people pride in picking fruits of their choice without fear of a supernatural visitor
I have written
But nothing yet feels like the truth about love of a man to a woman
This confusing feeling that naturally made Adam fail the first test set for human race
Let me remember well
God asked
Adam where are you
The He answered, "I am naked"
What have you done?
"This woman you gave me"
I am not sure if he answered the second question right
But he could have
God was also probably confused by it
So loving a woman utterly confuses a man like a seriously confused confusion
Confused confusion
You know Adam had only one Eve to worry about
But look around you Evil! So many Eves
Christmas Eve, Valentine Eve New year Eve
All these eves in one place
So you are seriously confused on which to drink to your stupor
Seriously you are not stupid, they all look jolly and inviting for a party
You want to dance on each eve all night and sleep the whole of the next day
And that is just one problem
That have fermented waters to be sweeter wine than the one in Canna of Galilee
I have concocted tales which have poisoned the minds of lovers and left them looking at the moonless night like senseless cabbages
I have written about the touch of a woman and the entry of a man
I have written about the modern Eden and how people pride in picking fruits of their choice without fear of a supernatural visitor
I have written
But nothing yet feels like the truth about love of a man to a woman
This confusing feeling that naturally made Adam fail the first test set for human race
Let me remember well
God asked
Adam where are you
The He answered, "I am naked"
What have you done?
"This woman you gave me"
I am not sure if he answered the second question right
But he could have
God was also probably confused by it
So loving a woman utterly confuses a man like a seriously confused confusion
Confused confusion
You know Adam had only one Eve to worry about
But look around you Evil! So many Eves
Christmas Eve, Valentine Eve New year Eve
All these eves in one place
So you are seriously confused on which to drink to your stupor
Seriously you are not stupid, they all look jolly and inviting for a party
You want to dance on each eve all night and sleep the whole of the next day
And that is just one problem
The other
problem is the are like chameleons
They wear the right color for the occasion
If you desire a meek
She will give you a meek
If you need a tiger she will be one for you
You know she is a chameleon
One in a million and also a million in one
You think you have humbled her, soon you realize that she can humble you
You think you chose her
No she chose you,
How many men tried to win her but she gave in only to you
Do you think you are really that smart???
May be you are
For in the chamelionth character she is also a mother and an angel
But that is not the end of it
They wear the right color for the occasion
If you desire a meek
She will give you a meek
If you need a tiger she will be one for you
You know she is a chameleon
One in a million and also a million in one
You think you have humbled her, soon you realize that she can humble you
You think you chose her
No she chose you,
How many men tried to win her but she gave in only to you
Do you think you are really that smart???
May be you are
For in the chamelionth character she is also a mother and an angel
But that is not the end of it
May be that is just the begging
She is patient and can wait for when you are dry enough to be broken
She is like rubber
She survives tough roads and if you think you can finish her before you are too weak to do anything
You are wrong
You can use your muscle but she can use her mouth
Muscle grow weaker with time
But the mouth grows stronger with experience
So I warn you
You can win as many battles
But she will win the war
This is the drill
She is patient and can wait for when you are dry enough to be broken
She is like rubber
She survives tough roads and if you think you can finish her before you are too weak to do anything
You are wrong
You can use your muscle but she can use her mouth
Muscle grow weaker with time
But the mouth grows stronger with experience
So I warn you
You can win as many battles
But she will win the war
This is the drill
Love a woman from your heart and not your muscles
Never break her so that you can know her
Be honest with her
Never hold on too tight
Give her free will to be herself
Let life select
Never break her so that you can know her
Be honest with her
Never hold on too tight
Give her free will to be herself
Let life select
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