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I have this strong feeling
An urge to be right
Not making mistakes with my life
I want to live forever
For ever young
But time passes like wind
Behaving young looses meaning
A forever youth is a biological impossibility
What is youth? Is it a mind set or an age
What is life if death has the last smile over the flesh?
Life is a question

Life must have a purpose
But what is that purpose?
Search for a purpose is an imagination
An ideal lost like a shadow getting into a light
But life tastes better in this loss
Is purpose self created or God given?
It is an ideal set do high above sight
A philosophy impossible to share
Life is faith
Hope in more than a fleeting flesh

My life must count
In this life and beyond my living years
Certainly time is forever but life on Earth is a deep wish it were
Since it not, it matters that we are together
Thanks to Sana we are not alone
Wondering in the wild like we never lived
Our stories will be told for someone after us
The songs we wrote will be sung
People will hope we will be somewhere in the sky listening
Prayers will be made for us
Our voices and words will still be respected
Life is company

Life is nothing
Life is what you have made it
It is a gift
Given for nothing
But it is everything
Life is a metaphor
What you say it is
It shall be


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