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By all means be rich
There is nothing wrong with having all the money you wish to have
To buy that beautiful car and find a person you can become that powerful couple
And traverse the world
However remember that you may never have everything

If this never happens
Make sure you lived to your life
Try not to die with a song haunting you to be left loose
No dance should ache your bone
No love should be left unloved
Live with the living above all live with your life

Keep a sober mind and be careful about pleasure
Do not becaught in the baseness of glatony, drunkenness and uncontrolled sex
Experience all things and make mistakes without blaming anyone

If you make a mistake do not blame yourself for too long
Do not look to the left or to the right
But straight aheade to the person you want to be
That person that you wish people to believe you are

Do not live in time like it would never end
Spend it judiciously than you would money
Think of the value it would give towards you becoming who you desire
Spend every moment becoming better than yesterday
Fight to become a fire that would not die because you lit so many meaningful fires

Be careful what you open your mouth to say
When you speak humanity listens
Humanity takes time to speak
But there is always that day when it replies
Always with a reward for good and evil
Remember that everything happening around you is neither good or evil
Good or evil is only measured in the scale of your choices
Not things away from your control, even those done to you by others

Never get tired of being kind and keeping it to your self
Because that is the only way you become God
The light of God shines through you to the end of the world
Each time you are kind and not expecting anything; not now, not in the future

Be love,
And I will ask nothing more of you in this life


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