Not made of flesh or bone
Beyond sight right before the many eyes
Wading an invisible terrain of unearthly dimensions
Trying to figure out the right path in the world and beyond
Holding your hands hands and forging forward
No turning back even if you wished to
The best bet is taking a new direction on the invisible's wise counsel
Bearing the weight of consequences
Good and otherwise
Finding ingenious ways to shield you from bullets, arrows and spears
Planning for tomorrow for the expected and unexpected
Whether it is too tired it has to get up and go on
Even when its owner is locked down
The invisible guardian gets out to the stormy weather, rocky terrain, thorny field and often lash grass
Consistently going through the hustle to get to the greener pastures sometimes also hurts
The wounds if not cleaned become many and they fester
So, remember, the invisible guardian has to take time to heal
Before an illness rolls a six
And bingo!!!!
The center gives way and you have to start again
Or completely loose the power to pick the pieces and start from the beginning
Always remember to take care of your mental health.